
Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 SP2 Released

You can now download the latest Service Pack (SP2) for Vista and Windows Server. The Service Pack, which is a consolidation of a number of small fixes into one larger downloadable, was uploaded to the Download Center on Tuesday. As before, there is only one service pack which supports both OS’s to make it easier for Administrators to deploy the image around the business.

Once the service pack becomes part of the automatic updates in “Microsoft Update”, business customers who want more time to prepare for the implementation of SP2 can use the same blocking tool that Microsoft provided for Vista SP1.

Some of the updates included in SP2 cover third-party application compatibility, version 4.0 of Windows Search technology, support for the Bluetooth v2.1, improved performance for Wi-Fi connections after resuming from sleep mode, and the capability to natively record data to the Blu-Ray optical disk format.

You can download the Service Pack from the following location ( https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/dd727510.aspx )
