

Adam and Joey are at the Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) in Las Vegas to cover things happening at the event. Here is the coverage from day one.

First, Larry Orecklin gives a brief overview of the MMS announcements around Operations Manager and Virtual Machine Manager.

System Center overview with Larry Orecklin


This is followed by a demo of what was shown at the Main keynote.  Barry on the Operations Manager team shows off the cross platform aspects, using Ops Man to manage an application that is spread across SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Apache, and IIS, hosted on Windows, Solaris, Suse, and Redhat.  All using open standards for management. Really cool stuff.

Operations Manager with Barry Shilmover


For all the coverage from MMS 2008 go to the following link ( https://edge.technet.com/Tags/MMS+2008/)
