
What has the NAP team been up to lately?

Well, we haven’t just been sitting around recovering from the Beta 2 push, that’s for sure. We jumped right in to Vista RC1 work. You only get a couple of hour’s breath, once a major milestone releases, to collect yourself before starting in on the next one. :->

We took a hard look at what work remains before shipping Vista and completing the last “polishing touches” before the train leaves the station.

It is really starting to feel like the good ol’ Win2k-XP days. As the months close towards a release date, the focus and intensity keeps stepping-up to a new level. Every bug is scrutinized; every code change is triple checked. Meetings are packed; “Shiproom” is heated (literally). Everyone wants to ship a great product people will love. It’s a matter of pride.

For some on the NAP team, this will be their first ever OS release. For others like me, it is another one under the belt. That doesn’t mean the butterflies ever leave your stomach that the product of the last couple of years of your life will exceed everyone’s expectations.

This is the closest I’ve ever felt towards a product. In the past, I’ve really only worked on technology pieces - IPsec, Routing and Remote Access and the Firewall. NAP is different; it brings a bunch of technology together to form a *solution* to a real world problem.

If you are in the United States, I hope you enjoy your 4th. Ciao to all!

Jeff Sigman [MSFT]
NAP Release Manager
Jeff.Sigman@online.microsoft.com *

* Remove the "online" to actually email me.
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