
Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Management Packs for NAP

Hello NAP fans! 

If you are using Microsoft Operations Manager 2005, you can download and install the following management packs to help monitor your NAP infrastructure:

· Network Policy Server Management Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

· Windows 2008 DHCP Service Management Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

Network Policy Server Management Pack

Network Policy Server (NPS) in Windows Server 2008 performs health evaluation for NAP clients, whether it is installed a separate server and part of a RADIUS infrastructure or co-located on a NAP enforcement point, such as a Windows Server 2008-based DHCP server.

You can use the Network Policy Server Management Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 to monitor the NPS service. Monitoring capabilities include the following:

· Management agent errors requiring administrative intervention

· Events indicating service outages

· Alerts indicating configuration issues and connected data source changes

· Verification that all dependant services are running

Windows 2008 DHCP Service Management Pack

A computer running Windows Server 2008 and the DHCP Server service can be configured as a NAP enforcement point for DHCP enforcement. You can use the Windows 2008 DHCP Service Management Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 to monitor the DHCP Server service and monitor DHCP enforcement events.


Joe Davies
Senior Program Manager