
Grid with Ajax, ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC

Nuestro buen amigo John Charles Olamendy, nos ha compartido su artículo:

Grid with Ajax, ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC

In this article I want to cover a very good feature of ExtJS JavaScript library. I like a lot the use of ExtJS for the client scripting. This is the creation of very good experience grid with paging and sorting techniques. This is a common requirement in any enterprise application where we need to display a list of business entities in a fancy way. ExtJS, which is a very good JavaScript library for the development of client-side components in Web applications, has support for grid with paging and sorting with a very good look and feel providing a nice user experience. In this article, I will illustrate step by step how to implement a listing requirement using a paging and sorting grid, ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC.


Ver artículo completo aquí.


Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)

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