
Global Summit Countdown Update: And the Winning Hat is…

Thanks to many of you for attending the Global Summit Countdown webcasts over the last 24 hours. We had a great time at both live webcasts with a little bit of drama (like when I forgot to prepare the voting poll slide and had to do it on the fly in Session #2!), a lot of great questions and a lot of information around logistics at the 2009 MVP Global Summit…and we have winning hat!

What was interesting about voting this time around is that those of you who voted during Session #1 trended much differently in your choices than those of you who voted during #2. So I didn’t know what hat was the actually the winner until the total votes of both session were combined.

The winner is… A Tie!

Both the Sombrero and the Rasta Cap (with Dreadlocks) took top honors! Since the prospect of wearing both hats simultaneously would detract from the experience, I will wear each hat at a separate event:

brian_rasta_red_final Welcome Reception on Sunday, March 1st
Brian_Lopez_final_landscape_jpg Attendee Party on Tuesday, March 3rd

You might see me in other hats during the week; I will definitely be in these hats for those events!

If you missed webcasts, you and your fellow MVPs can access the our recording through the MVP Member site’s Event Calendar, along with the 30 minute Special Edition Recording where we focus just on transportation to Seattle, Summit Hotels and other event Locations. In addition, the slides from the Summit Countdown are also available to MVPs as a download through MVP Connect Services

We had some great questions the MVPs in attendance and other points raised by veteran summit attendees. I will share those in a follow-up blog posting.

Authored by: Brian Boston, MVP Lead Americas, Community and Online Support
