
Live Stream Tomorrow's dotNetConf

On March 18th & 19th, MVPs will join with Microsoft product team members during the dotnetConf, a free virtual event .  The two-day event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft will provide a variety of live sessions designed to answer your questions and inspire your next software project. 

"Events like DotNetConf are great for the community since they provide great, repeatable content for everyone," said ASP.NET/ MVP Javier Lozano who will welcome attendees alongside Microsoft Principal Program Manager, Scott Hanselman.  "By having the option to tune in during the conference or to watch on demand, it allows both presenters and attendees to have flexibility. Speakers can use the recorded session for their session portofolio and the attendee can chose to watch whenever and on which ever device they want. To me, that's a win-win."

You don't even need to register, just connect to the live stream on Channel 9. The two-day event we will have more than 16 hours of content on subjects such as ASP.NET 5, .NET Core, C#, F#, Roslyn, debugging with VS2015, learnings from running large scale websites, and more!

"Watching the Twitter feed, #dotnetconf, is fun since it allows people to participate with the event from the comfort of their home/office/etc," said Lozano.  "The impact the event has on people is pretty awesome and I'm very honored to be a part of it."

Check out these MVP presenters!