
Windows 7 pre-beta bits and more for PDC 2008 attendees

Before I head off with my youngest to his guitar lessons and the skatepark, a few words on one of my favourite topics at the office: Windows 7.  Maybe I can get him an opening set gig.

You may've heard the hoopla that we will provide Windows 7 pre-beta bits to attendees at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in late October, on a snazzy new 160GB external USB hard drive.  True.  Also true: included will be all the SDKs, binaries, whitepapers and more distributed at the conference.

The PDC team also announced additional information on the PDC web site (at https://www.microsoftpdc.com/) such as…

  • a major lineup of executive keynote speakers representing most of the core Microsoft businesses.
  • more than 20 Windows 7 sessions, plus
  • distribution of the Windows 7 bits

Personally, I am looking forward to hearing Bob Muglia and Ray Ozzie reprise their talk with their thoughts and goals for Microsoft's application architecture and distributed computing (also in the cloud).  These guys are not to be missed.


I'm also on Twitter following the PDC 2008 tweets, recently tweeting on another interview with the Brain in The Jar (also at https://tinyurl.com/3uc57g). Fun stuff.


Tags: conferences, PDC2008, Microsoft, Windows 7.

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