
Windows 7 available today, Kylie gets a new PC and other musings from GA-Day

Welcome to Windows 7 Release!

OK, now you have your copy of Microsoft Windows 7. First, check that your PC will run it with Upgrade Advisor https://bit.ly/rP24L. And if you've got questions about Windows 7, look thru the posts from community experts on the Microsoft Answers site about Windows 7 (in 11 languages!) at https://bit.ly/ZbSp6

There was an awesome Kylie moment from the Windows 7 Launch today. She got a new Windows 7 mini notebook from none other that Steve Ballmer: Steve gave her very own pink Windows 7 laptop: https://bit.ly/fXY1D (we <3 Kylie!). (Head nod to Mark Relph for the link, who I expect has interesting friends on his flights this week ;)  For your own new Windows 7 PC, check out the "7 days of Windows 7 savings" (quantities are limited and the program ends October 28, 2009) https://bit.ly/2C1a8o

I had fully intended today to attend the festivities on main campus at 5AM, and there was only one thing that could keep me from B37 and the NASDAQ opening this morning did: kids. Perhaps a remote feed to the house would've helped. Here's a clip of the folks and friends in Building 37 today with Chris Liddell, our CFO, celebrates Windows 7 launch by ringing the NASDAQ opening bell remotely.


You can also check out the new social media "hub" to see what people are saying about Windows 7! https://bit.ly/2Xl3xi via @brandonleblanc. And here's a direct link to the new social media "hub" to see what people are saying about Windows 7 https://bit.ly/3kw0uE.


Here are a few top stories from Microsoft Presspass:

Microsoft Simplifies the PC With Windows 7, Oct. 22, 2009

New Retail Stores Connect Consumers With the Best of Microsoft, Oct. 22, 2009


Here are a few interesting Tweets from today (you can also find more in my twitter feed here).

@MicrosoftStore: Microsoft fans take over the Scottsdale mall. https://post.ly/9jqt Long line, now people are wait outside the mall!

Dell's Adamo XPS is an AMAZING ultra thin laptop. It's sure to be on my Xmas list! More @ https://bit.ly/xSAfE. I saw from @dancosta that Dell Offers Sneak Peek of Adamo XPS. "I wouldn't call it a hands-on, but I did touch it." https://bit.ly/2z8pvc #pcmlt  More info & links on the new ultra thin & very sexy Dell Adamo XPS via Bing https://bit.ly/xSAfE

@LanceUlanoff Steve Ballmer: "95 out of 100 times, when people get to choose a PC, they choose a Windows PC" #win7 #QOTD

@LanceUlanoff Hands On with Amazon Kindle for the PC https://bit.ly/2B29Wf Nice app; smart idea for multi-touch systems.

Check out the new social media "hub" to see what people are saying about Windows 7! https://bit.ly/2Xl3xi via @brandonleblanc

How to find Windows 7 Freebies: See "Where to Get Giveaways" by @PCWorld's JR Raphael https://bit.ly/1EvctI

Reading Stuart Elliot's article in the New York Times on "The Billion Designers of Windows 7" https://bit.ly/Uu7a

As noted here, the venerable BBC News looks at the launch of Windows 7 w/ Microsoft's Leila Martine https://bit.ly/1AUzE2

Wonder how did we got to Windows 7? AP offers this analysis of Vista + 1 = 7. No, you didn't miss 5 & 6 https://bit.ly/44AbXv

All Black number 7 Richie McCaw helps Microsoft launch Windows 7 in Auckland's Queen Elizabeth Square https://bit.ly/3UrTqz

I get lots of mail RE autographed Windows 7 PC & Zune for the Microsoft Giving Campaign https://bit.ly/3pLubD

@engadget noted that Windows 7 Media Center upgraded Netflix "Watch Instantly" interface now available https://bit.ly/2kbRSa

From MSSpringboard, Podcast: Migrating Windows XP to Windows 7 Using Windows Easy Transfer and USMT https://bit.ly/2WZOxt

One more item for the Microsoft Giving Campaign: Adam Koford's (aka @apelad) LOL Cats "Extra Leafy Edition" https://bit.ly/1WdEDF


Tags: articles, what I read, twitter, Microsoft, Windows 7.

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