Quick list: Command-line access to Windows Vista tools
Greg Shields' Vista EXE Deep Dive series, now on part 3, is certainly worth a look and a link, as it provided a list of GUI-based wizards and control panels accessible quickly via the command-line.
"...this series brings together many hours of research and work in finding information about each of these EXEs and how they can assist your administrative burden."
How true.
My favourites/ most often used...
calc.exe -- Launches the calculator.
control.exe -- Launches the Control Panel.
Magnify.exe -- Launches the Windows Magnifier utility.
mobsync.exe -- Launches the Sync Center.
mrt.exe -- Launches the malicious software removal tool.
msconfig.exe -- Launches the System Configuration wizard.
msra.exe -- Launches Windows Remote Assistance. Command line & GUI.
mstsc.exe -- Launches the Remote Desktop Client. Command line & GUI.
notepad.exe -- Launches Notepad.
osk.exe -- Launches the on-screen keyboard.
perfmon.exe -- Launches the Reliability and Performance Monitor tool.
regedt32.exe -- Launches the Registry Editor.
SndVol.exe -- Launches the Volume Mixer.
SnippingTool.exe -- Launches the Snipping Tool for screen captures.
SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe -- Launches the System Properties tool with the Advanced tab showing.
userinit.exe -- Launches Windows Explorer.
WFS.exe -- Launches Windows Fax and Scan.
write.exe -- Launches WordPad.
wuapp.exe -- Launches the Windows Update control panel.
In part one, he provides executable files from the System32 folder that enable command-line functionality for viewing and manipulating system configurations, first with "letters "a" through "l" in my deep dive of the command-line tools found in the System32 folder of a default Windows Vista RTM instance."
comp.exe -- Compares the contents of files.
diskpart.exe -- Disk partition utility.
expand.exe -- Uncompresses compressed files.
getmac.exe -- Displays MAC addresses for network interfaces.
ipconfig.exe -- Displays and updates IP configuration information.
logoff.exe -- Used for logging users off computers.
In part two, Shields' provides "the remaining 88" EXEs, m through z... of which I regularly use...
Ping.exe -- Displays information about network connectivity to a remote computer.
print.exe -- Used for printing text files.
printui.exe -- Manages printer configurations.
regini.exe -- Views and manipulates the Windows registry.
Robocopy.exe -- Rich utility for copying files.
runonce.exe -- Sets an executable to run at next reboot.
taskkill.exe -- Kills processes on local and remote computers.
tasklist.exe -- Lists running processes on local and remote computers.
w32tm.exe -- Views and manages Windows Time.
xcopy.exe -- Copies files and folders.
Tags: Microsoft, utilities, Windows, Windows Vista.
- Anonymous
May 29, 2009
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