
A look at Bill Gates' "last day" at Microsoft

Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates at the event. (Photo: Microsoft.)Today in Bill Gates' last day as a full-time employee; he remains as chairman and will -- by his own admission -- be here from time to time.  Todd Bishop from the Seattle P-I covers Microsoft for the paper, and is on-site covering an event this morning in Redmond.  Although not as detailed as the live coverage of Steve Jobs' keynotes it's an interesting look at the event today...

Microsoft is holding a town hall meeting here in Redmond this morning to send Bill Gates off into the new era of his life. It starts about 9 a.m. It's clearly a big moment for people at the company -- including Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who is already working the crowd with a big grin, bouncing around and snapping his fingers. More than 800 employees are here in a big conference room, and more will be watching on a webcast.

Stay tuned for more as the event unfolds...

Update, 11:15 a.m.: See this post for audio of Gates' concluding remarks, his final comments to Microsoft employees before ending his full-time role.

Link to On the scene: Microsoft's farewell to Gates

Also of interest:

Tags: Microsoft, Bill Gates.