
Where to watch at WPC10

image For any of you that have been to a Worldwide Partner Conference in the past, you know that the amount of information coming out of the conference is incredible! Whether it is announcements, facts and figures, offers, interesting tidbits, resources, etc. there will be a lot shared at WPC. Staying connected is something that many try to do throughout the conference, whether they are at the conference itself or just gleaning information from the stream that comes out of the conference over the online waves back to their offices. Just as in years past, I will be sharing a lot of information out throughout the conference and I thought I would put up a quick post here to let you know where I will be sharing information and where we can connect during WPC10.

First, if you are looking for the content I’ll be sharing online, I will be doing this in several places:

  • On my Blog: www.MSPartnerBlog.com
    • I’ll be sharing announcements, recaps, updates, maybe a contest or two, etc. here
  • Through my Twitter account: www.Twitter.com/EricLigman (@EricLigman)
    • I’ll be sharing information from the keynotes, sessions, conversations, meetings, etc. throughout WPC here (maybe a contest or two)
  • Through my LinkedIn account: www.Linkedin.com/in/EricLigman
    • I’ll be sharing information from the keynotes, sessions, conversations, etc. throughout WPC here
  • Through my Facebook account (for those of you on it as this is not open broadly)

If you are looking to find me in person, you can find me:

  • At the keynotes every morning (and will probably tweet my location on some days for those looking to find me)
  • I will be staffing the Microsoft Partner Network Social Media booth in the Expo hall:
    • Monday: 12:30 – 2:30
    • Tuesday: 11:30 – 3:00
    • Wednesday: 5:00 – 7:30
  • I will be moderating the “Annuity & Renewals” session Wednesday at 2:30 pm in room 143C of the Walter E Washington Convention Center
  • Frequenting the Yellow Lounge to connect with SBSC partners and SMB focused partners
  • At the WPC10 Welcome Reception Sunday at 6:00 in the Walter E Washington Convention Center, Lower Level, Hall AB
  • At the WPC10 Partner Reception Thursday at 4:00 in the Walter E Washington Convention Center, Level 3, Ballroom ABC
  • You can always find me through the WPC Connect Wall for Connect meetings as well
  • Floating all around WPC: In sessions, hallway conversations, various social events, and more
  • I even noticed there is a Starbucks in the Convention Center, so I’m sure you’ll find me there from time to time as well. Hmmm, maybe I’ll do a Twitter or Blog contest with a prize of free coffee or snacks for whoever finds me at a certain time… Just thinking out loud here.

These are just a few of the places where you will be able to find the content I will be sharing our from WPC10 this year as well as where I will be physically from time to time if you would like to connect face to face while at WPC10. After all, it is always great to get to meet people and see people face to face after working with them online and through phone/email for so long. To make it even easier on the first day, maybe I’ll even sport the Microsoft Customer and Partner Experience (CPE) logo on my shirt Monday so I am easy to pick out from further away. If so, I’ll let you know. Here’s that logo for those that aren’t sure which one I’m talking about:


Only a few days left until WPC10 kicks off! I look forward to seeing you all there.

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Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric LigmanFollow me on TWITTER, LinkedIn, and RSS and see “What I’m thinking
Global Partner Experience Lead
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Group
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