
Happy New Year Wishes 2017


Every year I like to take a quick moment to step back and share my thanks and gratitude with all of the amazing people I have the honor and privilege to meet, work with, and interact with around the globe here at Microsoft and with our customers and partners everywhere year in and year out. This year is no different and I continue to be thankful each and every day to you all for all you do and the impact you make day in and day out.

 While in my current role I spend more time behind the scenes vs. being the public face/voice I have in previous roles, my dedication and drive to deliver the highest value and impact for our partners and customers around the world here at Microsoft has never waivered. Thank you for all of the wonderful feedback you all have shared with me on the:

FREE! That’s Right, I’m Giving Away MILLIONS of FREE Microsoft eBooks again! Including: Windows 10, Office 365, Office 2016, Power BI, Azure, Windows 8.1, Office 2013, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, Dynamics CRM, PowerShell, Exchange Server, System Center, Cloud, SQL Server and more!” post from this past year and the ongoing feedback you all continue to share with me from my, “How to recover that un-saved Microsoft Office Excel, Word, or PowerPoint file you closed before saving” post, and I am very happy to hear that it has helped so many of you recover your work and save you time.

 I hope that in some way I am able to give back to this wonderful community that has been such a pleasure to work with and be a part of throughout the years and again I offer my sincerest wishes to you all for a Happy New Year in 2017 for you, your friends, family, and loved ones everywhere.

 Happy New Year, 2017!


Eric Ligman

Director – Sales Excellence
Microsoft Corporation

Follow me on: TWITTER, LinkedIn, Facebook



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