
AdvertBoy is quite unique in his approach with Silverlight.

I stumbled upon AdvertBoy's blog tonight and I'm impressed with his approach in using Silverlight.

He impresses me because he's looking around at what he see's as being "Cool" and then tries to emulate this via Silverlight. This is a good thing as if with more and more RIA Producer's approaching Silverlight like this, we will all learn something new.

I also noticed he's taken the approach of producing what he calls "BlendCandy", essentially it looks as if he's re-creating some icons via Expression Blend. This a market I'm waiting to see flourish, as with XAML one is able to potentially create some profitable products to hand to the next wave of Silverlight / WPF developers out there (whom may not have a designer on staff).

I love finding these types of blogs!

Blog: https://advertboy.wordpress.com/

**Update: Don Burnett had the first scoop on this finding hehe..**


  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2007
    Thanks Scott & Don for the kudos! I'm really loving SilverLight and I'm loving showing it off to people wanting to listen and learn. Keep up the great evangelising (if that is indeed a word). Liquidboy

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2007
    You might also not that delicategenius had the "scoop". (and that liquid boy doesn't respond to email :-)) http://delicategeniusblog.com/?p=531 -dg

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2007
    Hey DG, Sorry was meant to reply to your posting but i've been soooo busy! And reading your message did you email me? Cause if you did i honestly didn't get it! ps. Im gonna add your's and Mossy's blog to my blog roll, im a fan of both your blogs!!