
Grace Hopper Conference, here we come!

I have a bunch of posts to write about ramping up, but I'm taking a break to write about something I'm even MORE excited about... I've started prepping for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing! 

To be fair, I guess I started prepping in June when I reserved a space at (what I think is) the closest hotel.  Last year I waited until August to book my hotel and ended up walking in the Orlando heat.  Did NOT want to make that mistake again.  I finally wrapped up the other logistics (car rental, actual conference registration and flight) over a week ago. 

Hilary and I are both going to Grace Hopper this year, and we have lots to do.  We'll be blogging from Springboard, trying to get some videos on Channel8 and helping out with all of the other Microsoft events.  Look for us at the Microsoft booth to say hello!  Last Friday I met with Lynn Langit who will be presenting at GHC.  She'll be talking about her nonprofit work, where she's been sharing her technical expertise for years.  She also walked me through the work Asli, Lynn and Esther are leading for the iGive initiative as well as her phenomenal work with Digigirlz.  You Southern California girls are lucky to have her. :-)

What other Grace Hopper or Women in Technology conversations should we host on Springboard?  Anything you'd like to see on Channel8?
