
The CRM/Office 2007 Integration by Stunnware

Michael Höhne is going to release his second product in the near future. Right now he is looking for CRM consulting firms that would like to resell and provide the needed implementation and support. Michael has plans to make a significant move from a consultant to the owner of a company selling products - mainly for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. With this said, I want to promote his 90% finished product. Keep in mind that when I included this in the new V3C VPC it was not an official product....

Lot's of companies are facing communication challenges. Most of the daily correspondence is ad-hoc communication, a letter to a customer for instance or a quote. Others happen on a regular base, like weekly or monthly invoices. Though CRM holds all of the necessary data to prepare these documents or even automatically create them, it's still a manual process today. CRM users usually create a new Word document based on some template, open the corresponding record and use copy paste to fill in the needed data. Once done, the document is saved to the file system and attached to CRM. Michael created a product that solves this challenge by integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office 2007.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM / Office 2007 integration is based on the new OpenXML file format and consists of the following parts:

  • The Document Service
  • The CRM integration web
  • The Ribbon Extension for Microsoft Office Word
  • A set of tools to create the appropriate CRM queries and to map the result to well-defined locations in the Word template documents.

If you interested in the product of want to become a reseller you can read more here: https://www.stunnware.com/crm2/topic.aspx?id=OpenXml2 or here https://www.stunnware.com/crm2/topic.aspx?id=ResellersWanted