
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, GP and RMA?

Well this is a bit out of my league, but I am trying to gain more knowledge about Dynamics GP and specially combined with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

I have had some questions in the past regarding RMA (Return Material Authorization) Product based companies accept defective products back from customers but want to track the product being returned for repair, replacement, etc.

About RMA, currently the functionality is not built-in, but it is possible to build. The big picture steps one would have to go through are:

  • Build a custom entity and required fields for entering RMA in CRM
  • Map the RMA entity to order entity if needed
  • Copy & Add the modified “Submit Order” code from the Order ASP page to your new page (this is what’s used to submit an order from CRM to GP – you’ll have to modify it to submit an RMA instead)
  • Create a custom mapping of RMA entity in CRM to RMA in GP (on the partnersource for GP Connector download, you’ll also find the GP Connector guide – Chapter 8 of that guide describes how to perform mapping)
  • Give the CSRs desired access to RMA entity in CRM

Happy coding and customizing everybody....and thank you Manisha for helping out!
