
Fuel for Development

Ok, this blog is titled "Espresso Fueled Agile Development."  I've had a few posts on tools, agile workspaces, and such, but nothing on the fuel.  Nothing on the stuff that keeps us going when our body is ready to give out.  I don’t mean drive, ambition, or professionalism; I mean caffeine.

I love coffee, preferably espresso drinks.  So much so, that my wife and I are greeted by name whenever we walk into our favorite local coffee shop (believe it or not, this is not a Starbucks).  Since we commute together, this happens a few mornings every week (but not quite every day).

What I get depends on my mood and the weather.  Most mornings out here in Seattle (when it is dark, cloudy, and chilly in the winter), I’ll get a vanilla rice-milk latte, hot and smooth.  If the weather is hot, I’ll get a double espresso over ice, sometimes with flavored syrup.  For mornings that I am asleep on my feet, a quad latte has enough kick to get me going.  Occasionally, I’ll get a mocha latte or a mocha shake (these are really good when made with real ice cream) depending on the weather.  Of course, I have been known to drink regular coffee or an Americano.

So no one gives up on this blog entirely, I want to let everyone know I have a few articles on different TDD challenges in the works.  I'm hoping to have one of them done by the end of next week.  However, my schedule may not allow it to happen that soon.

You know, I think it is time for a break and a coffee.  Enjoy.
