
Challenges of Migration from GroupWise to Exchange 2010: Meeting Request

The previous article explained the first challenge which is co-existence:

Challenges of Migration from GroupWise to Exchange 2010: Co-Existence

In this article I will talk about one of the most annoying problems that may affect the migration which is meeting request between Exchange and GroupWise.



Meeting requests from GroupWise to Exchange working fine. However meeting requests from Exchange to GroupWise delivered as normal email without Accept/Deny buttons.

The following snapshot shows how GroupWise client receive the meeting request from Exchange:



As in the previous snapshot, meeting requests appear as normal email to the recipient.



From Exchange Management Console (EMC), open the properties of the mail contact created for GroupWise recipient and for Use MAPI rich text format select “Never”, as the following snapshot



As expected GroupWise will never understand the MAPI format and will treat the meeting request as normal email.

This can be done for bulk users by simply execute the following cmdlet:

Get-MailContact |Set-MailContact -UseMapiRichTextFormat:never


After executing the cmdlet now the meeting request is a meeting request in GroupWise client:
