
How to Automate Unsubscribes from Newsletters, etc..

So lets just say you manage a mailing list of several hundred or thousands of folks. Now for whatever reason some folks don't like to get your very informative and witty newsletter. Special thanks to Dana Martens for the answer to the question. :-)

You can have recipients click an unsubscribe link in the Campaign e-mail and it will set their record to no longer receive E-mail marketing material. Then when you create a Campaign, they will not receive the e-mail even if they are a member of the list you selected. To set this up click Settings | Organization Settings | System Settings. Click the Marketing tab and then set the auto-unsubscribe settings:

You can edit the Acknowledgement E-mail template to say whatever you want it to say. Then when you are creating an E-mail in a Campaign you can type some text at the bottom of the e-mail such as “Click here to no longer receive marketing material.” Then highlight the text and click the Unsubscribe button that appears in the formatting toolbar within the e-mail and it will change the text to a hyperlink. When they click that link in the e-mail it will change the Send Marketing Materials field in their record from Yes to No and will also send them the acknowledgement e-mail to let them know they have been removed from the marketing list.


  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2006
    Thanks, I know this was a long time ago but I've never seen this documented anywhere else! Just the job.

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2006
    I have done all of the above reply and recive the Unsubscribe email but the cannot get the Send Marketing Materials field in their record from Yes to No

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2007
    I've set System Settings as above and created a marketing email template but cannot locate a formatting toolbar within the email or an unsubscribe button.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    I'm using CRM v4 and cannot get this to work either. The contact gets the email (with crm tracking token) and the unsubscribe link.  They click on the link and send the generated email (which still has the tracking token) The CRM user who sent the email via Campaigns gets the email.  It doesn't matter what they do with this email - Synchronise with CRM, Track in CRM,

  • The Contact record does not get updated
  • The return email (template defined in system settings> marketing tab. Is this phantom functionality?  i.e. looks like it should work, but never has? I'd like to know if anyone has got it to work
  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2008
    Hi Adrian, I got the same issue. did u find the solution? Is anyone can help me. regards, tmadurap.

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2008
    Hi, I'm having the same problem and can't find an answer anywhere!!  Please anyone let me know if there's some help available for this anywhere. Regards, Stuart.

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2009
    I have the same issue with CRM 4.0  I've got Microsoft Product Support Services working on this with me.  If/when we get a resolution, I'll share it.

  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2009
    I am having the same issue and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tony

  • Anonymous
    August 27, 2009
    Same here, I'm having the same nightmare.... Even a method of forcing a resync of the Outlook client would be a good start ! Cheers Si