
Receive our newsletter in the language of your choice: German, French or English!

Did you know that besides German and English, we recently started emailing our Swiss newsletter for Developers also in French? So if you want to switch languages, here is a short guide on how to do it.

Go to the Profile Center and log in with your Microsoft ID.

Select “Manage communications” in the top menu and select “My newsletter subscriptions”.


You find our newsletter in the following sections:

For English, select “English (United States) ” under Language (don’t worry, this will still be the Swiss newsletter you are subscribing to) in the left panel and in the list, click on “Microsoft Developer Newsletter (en-CH) ”.

For French, select “French (Switzerland) ” under Language in the left panel and in the list, click on “Microsoft Developer Newsletter (fr-CH) ”.

For German, select “German (Switzerland) ” under Language in the left panel and in the list, click on “Microsoft Developer Newsletter (de-CH) ”.

Select “HTML” or “Plain Text” under “Preferred Format” and click on the “Subscribe”-Button. We highly recommend the HTML edition.


In the same way, you can remove unwanted language versions of the newsletter by selecting them in the right panel and clicking “Unsubscribe”.

Thank you for reading our newsletter!