
Update on MicroISV Evangelism

For the past 4 years I have had the enjoyable task of being the MicroISV Evangelist for Microsoft.  Recently based on some organizational changes and task assignment realignment, I have begun to focus my attention full-time on other efforts and thus, effective now, am no longer tasked with MicroISV-related responsibilities.

If you are a MicroISV and are interested in working with Microsoft, I'd highly recommend checking out the BizSpark program and the Microsoft Startup Zone https://www.microsoftstartupzone.com/pages/home.aspx

I may get the opportunity to attend SIC this year but it's looking increasingly unlikely.  If I can swing a speaker slot at TechEd EMEA, I'll be visiting ESWC '09.

I thank all of the members of the MicroISV community for their interest and support and look forward to all your wonderful products which I, and millions of other Windows users, continue to enjoy each day.
