
UX Guru & Community Leader David Crow Joins The Team

The word is out.  David Crow is joining our team here at Microsoft Canada.  David is well known in Toronto (and elsewhere!) for his UX expertise and his stewardship of the UX community in Toronto.

We are very glad lucky happy to have him joining us.  He brings a unique set of experiences and passions to the team.

For all of the members of the community that worry that you won't see David again - you will.  His mission is both to help us in a few key new markets for us, but also to help us change and evolve.

Welcome David!!!!

"I’m excited to announce that I am joining Mark Relph’s team at Microsoft Canada . That’s right. This is very real. This is something I’ve been thinking very carefully about for a long time. My official title will be Senior User Experience Advisor. My position reports to John Oxley in the the Developer & Platform Evangelism group.

I’m not the first to make this leap. A number of people I respect have joined Microsoft. Jon Udell , Molly Holzschlag , John Lam , Hugh MacLeod and Ryan McMinn among others have written about their reasons for joining Microsoft. Microsoft is an important leader in the technology space. Microsoft Canada has a team of great people, influence with a community that is foreign to TorCamp, and a selection of new interesting technologies."


Technorati tags: Microsoft, Canada, David Crow