
Hear tricks of the trade from machine learning experts

The Microsoft Data Science Summit is filled with leading thinkers in big data, machine learning, AI, and open-source technologies. Join us, and get their insights and technical expertise as they discuss real-world challenges and innovative solutions emerging across data science. Here’s a sample of some of the speakers you’ll see—and what they’ll be talking about:

Rafal Lukawiecki, data scientist at Project Botticelli

Rafal will discuss the business opportunity of advanced analytics and the new landscape of data. He’ll speak about data science in practice and the cloud-based Cortana Intelligence Suite, especially Azure Machine Learning and the pros and cons of a variety of data storage approaches.

David Smith, R community lead at Microsoft

Whether it’s called data science, machine learning, or predictive analytics, the combination of new data sources and statistical modeling has produced some truly revolutionary applications. Many of these applications incorporate open-source technologies and research from academic institutions.

In his talk, David will share a few of the ways Microsoft is improving the lives of people around the world—and in particular, people with disabilities—by applying statistics, research, and open-source software in applications and devices. He’ll also share how you can develop such applications yourself, using the open-source R language with Microsoft’s advanced analytics products.

Danielle Dean, senior data scientist lead at Microsoft

Wee Hyong Tok, senior data science manager at Microsoft

How do businesses and data scientists work together to turn raw data into intelligent action? Why do some companies drown in volumes of data, while others thrive on turning the data into golden strategic advantages?

With Wee Hyong Tok and Danielle Dean, unlock the super powers that data scientists use to turn raw data into big results. This talk will draw on practical experiences from working on various exciting data science projects, such as:

  • Understanding the galaxies by working with citizen astronomers to create labeled datasets, and performing classification of the galaxies
  • Understanding the brain and figuring out how to decode signals from the brain using machine learning
  • Empowering aero engine manufacturers to improve aircraft efficiency, drive up aircraft availability, and reduce engine maintenance cost

The session is targeted at data scientists, developers, and database professionals with a keen interest in evolving existing skillsets and creating new value for their organizations.

Frank Seide, principal researcher at Microsoft Research

This talk will introduce CNTK, Microsoft’s cutting-edge, deep-learning toolkit.

CNTK is used to train and evaluate deep neural networks used in Microsoft products, such as the Cortana speech models. It supports feed-forward, convolutional, and recurrent networks for speech, image, and text workloads.

Frank, a key contributor to the development of CNTK, will walk us through it. He’ll discuss what you can and cannot do with CNTK, what a typical use might look like, how it works, and what algorithms it implements.

Join us. Connect in person—and dive deep.

The Microsoft Data Science Summit includes three in-depth tracks you can choose from to get the expertise you want: Advanced Analytics, Big Data, and Solutions. So if you’re a data scientist, big data engineer, or machine learning practitioner who is looking to expand your knowledge with expert insights, join us in Atlanta, September 26–27. But register soon. The summit only happens once a year, and it’s just around the corner!

> Register for Microsoft Data Science Summit


  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2016
    thank , i like to