
Service Bus related issues


You may face errors while doing the tutorials that require Relays / Service Bus - where you are supposed to Create LOB Relay and Target for the Operations.

Message: 'Error occurred while trying to bring up the relay service. Error Message: 'The remote name could not be resolved: 'mysbname-sb.accesscontrol.windows.net'

The issue is because any Service Bus namespace created via portal after August 2014, will not have an accompanying ACS namespace and MABS relies on ACS for the authentication. We are working on SAS support within BizTalk Services. Till then, please use PowerShell command New-AzureSBNamespace to create the Service Bus namespace which allows to create ACS namespace. For more details, have a look at Service Bus namespace creation on portal no longer has ACS connection string


Trying to use newly created Service Bus Queue on the receive side. While deploying the VS project, getting an error.

Error 1 QueueSource1 deployment failed at 'https://mymabs.biztalk.windows.net/default/passSB/sources/QueueSource1'. Failed to connect to the Service Bus using specified configuration.

This issue is due to the service using an older version of Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll which does not support Partitioning entities. Partitioning entities is available in 2.2 onwards versions of Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll.

Check the blog for further details: Enabling BizTalk Services to work with Service Bus 2.2 SDK

The resolution mentioned is

1.  You can use a queue created from Service Bus Explorer. As of writing this blog, Queues created this way, do not have entity partitioning enabled by default.

2. Use custom create option while creating queues\topics. In the second page, user should DISABLE partitioning – UNCHECK THE CHECKBOX
