
Free Book Offer...

Well, there is no such thing as a free lunch, right? But, this comes close.

I have 10 copies of Seth Godin's latest book, Small Is the New Big, to give away.

But, there's a give/get.

You GET the book.


one SOLID idea for making it even easier for a Microsoft partner to conduct an event AND make sure that licensing revenue for Microsoft results.

Best 10 answers (as judged by me) win. Go (small is the new) BIG! Dare to be Different.

And if you are a partner working with a PCM (name of PCM must be listed...and will be confirmed, of course), you will receive 2 copies!!

To be eligible, you must leave your idea as a comment to this post, with some type of identifiable contact info (no anonymous entries will win)


  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2007
    One of the common things for keynotes at events is to get somebody up to talk about a case-study.  Quite often the keynote speaker/case-study is a surprise to the attendees. Give advanced notice of the speaker and the case study being presented.  And after the keynote either hold a stand-up, panel or similar with the speaker, some techies from the speakers team, and some MS representatives. Let attendees ask questions about how certain aspects of whatever the case-study was about would be relevant to them eg "How did you get around passing credentials between the end-users desktop and the back-end XML-web service?" Since the attendees will have had a prior chance to research the speaker/case-study, they'll be better prepared with the right questions.

  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2007
    Still a chance to get a free copy of Small is the New Big...see here.

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2007
    For BizTalk presentations, we like to have a web service for orders, new cusomers, and crm entry stuff sitting live on the web.  It's pretty impressive to folks when they can see their live systems integrated at a basic level with an outside system by a dev sitting in the corner while the presenter is giving his slide deck a good walking through.  When it comes time for the code demos, we typically have a real life sample to show as well.  With any luck :)

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2007
    Hi.  I've just dropped you a note via the contact form re the book.  If you don't get that message, please contact me via  dave.dustin{at}wolterskluwer{dot}com Thanks again