Increasing the length of CRM attributes
Q: Can the max length of CRM attributes be increased (e.g. increase the capacity of a text field from 50 to 100 chars) ?
A: Of course! CRM 4 absolutely supports that. One caveat though, there are logical fields, like address related fields, that require a two step process: you have to increase the length in both the referencing entity (e.g. the Account entity) AND the address entity. As a general recommendation you should increase the length of the fields on the address entity to the max that you are expecting for any entity that uses address data. This way you will only have to tailor specific entities attribute size (since the address field will already be large enough to support your requirements).
April 10, 2008
ping back from
June 10, 2008
Hi. Can you find the max length of a string entity using the web services? or are they variable lenght strings? Thanks.Anonymous
June 12, 2008
Yes, you can use the metadata webservice to retrieve the logical lenght.