
Build Your Private Cloud in a Month – The Complete April 2013 Series

Download System Center 2012 SP1 Evaluation

In April of 2013 our team’s blogging focus was on how to build your Private Cloud

I hope you found our articles informative, that you have downloaded your free System Center 2012 SP1 trial, your Windows Server 2012 evalution, and have started your Windows Azure FREE TRIAL.

Here is our complete April 2013 series:


Date Title / Topic Author
1-Apr Series Introduction - Build Your Private Cloud in a Month Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
1-Apr What is a Private Cloud? Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
2-Apr Why Private Cloud? Yung Chou@YungChou 
3-Apr Build a Private Cloud Foundation - Overview Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
3-Apr Build a Private Cloud Foundation - Windows Server 2012 Storage Matt Hester@MatthewHester 
4-Apr Build a Private Cloud Foundation - Windows Server 2012 Networking Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
5-Apr Build a Private Cloud Foundation - Windows Server 2012 Compute Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
7-Apr Deploy & Upgrade System Center 2012 SP1 VMM ( Overview ) Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
8-Apr System Center 2012 SP1 Explained: Understanding Virtual Machine Manager (VMM 2012 SP1) Fabric and Service Template Yung Chou@YungChou 
9-Apr Deploying System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Tommy Patterson - @Tommy_Patterson 
10-Apr Configuring Private Cloud Storage Fabric with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
11-Apr Configuring Private Cloud Datacenter & VM Network Fabric with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
12-Apr Extending Private Cloud to Hybrid Infrastructure using Windows Azure Virtual Networks Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
15-Apr Configuring Private Cloud Compute Fabric with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
16-Apr From Bare Metal to Private Cloud with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Matt Hester@MatthewHester 
17-Apr Optimizing Workload Placement with Dynamic Optimization and Power Optimization with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
18-Apr Creating Private Clouds with System Center 2012 SP1 VMM Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
19-Apr Creating Private Clouds and Deploying Services with System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Yung Chou@YungChou 
22-Apr Deploying Private Cloud Workloads - Hardware Profiles in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Kevin Remde@KevinRemde
23-Apr Deploying Private Cloud Workloads - Guest OS Profiles in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Kevin Remde@KevinRemde
24-Apr Deploying Private Cloud Workloads - Application Profiles and SQL Server Profiles in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Kevin Remde@KevinRemde
25-Apr Deploying Private Cloud Workloads - VM Templates in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Tommy Patterson - @Tommy_Patterson 
26-Apr Deploying Private Cloud Workloads - Service Templates in System Center 2012 SP1 Virtual Machine Manager Blain Barton@BlainBar 
27-Apr Updating Private Cloud Fabric and Service Templates Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
28-Apr Walkthrough: Protecting Private Clouds with System Center 2012 SP1 Data Protection Manager ( Video Overview ) Keith Mayer@KeithMayer
29-Apr Protecting Private Cloud Workloads with System Center 2012 SP1 Data Protection Manager Matt Hester@MatthewHester 
30-Apr Managing Hybrid Clouds with System Center 2012 SP1 App Controller Yung Chou@YungChou