I don't get it.
I'm looking forward to playing Halo 2 as much as the next guy, but oddly enough I didn't feel the need to have it The Day Of and especially not The Midnight Of The Day Of.
I ordered it online and it should be here friday or monday. I love the game and am really looking forward to playing it again, but after reading about people waiting in line 6 hours to get a copy, all I can think is that there are very few things on this earth for which I would wait in line 6 hours, and even Halo 2 ain't one of them.
Ah well, apparently I'm the only one.
P.S. Once I get my copy and log on, my gamertag is "usofties". Boy do I wish I could change it, now that I realize how dorky it is.
- Anonymous
November 09, 2004
Na, you're not the only one. I don't even own an Xbox. :) - Anonymous
November 10, 2004
What's dorky about usofties? I mean, your average geek should get that one right away...
Oh wait, nevermind.
hides in shame - Anonymous
November 10, 2004
For me, at least <a href="http://www.pickabar.com/blog/archives/2004/11/why_did_i_think.html">the urge</a> was a group thing. All day yesterday I was getting ims from friends and former coworkers telling me how much fun they were having. It would have been great to be able to share in that fun. - Anonymous
November 10, 2004
Oops, sorry. Didn't realize you autolink in comments instead of requiring anchor tags. - Anonymous
November 10, 2004
Heheh that's ok - I am "PunchingBoot" - It was a system generated name that at the time cracked me up. Consider it a strong arguement against PGUI - "Picking Gamertag Under the Influence".