
How to: find the right Windows SDK for your needs

Several versions of the Windows SDK and earlier Platform SDKs (PSDK) are available. Generally, developers will want the most recent SDK, which supports several Windows operating systems. Some developers have particular development requirements that call for an earlier SDK. You will want to consider what version of Windows you will be installing the SDK on and building applications for, and which version of Visual Studio and/ or the .NET Framework you will want support for. Use the “Which SDK is Right for Me?” table on the Windows SDK Developer Center to help determine the best choice for your needs.

Older SDKs

Earlier PSDKs that are not shown on the “Which SDK is Right for Me?” table are available on CD from our vendor Qmedia for the cost of shipping. Some of these older releases are no longer supported.

What’s the Difference between the Windows SDK and the old Platform SDK (PSDK)?

The Windows SDK supports development with the Win32 programming model on x86, x64, and Itanium platform architectures, and also supports development with the .NET Framework programming model. The Windows SDK is the successor to the Platform SDK and the .NET Framework SDK. Windows SDKs include most content found in recent PSDKs plus content for the .NET Framework. The PSDKs do not include content for the .NET Framework programming model.
