
Where to see John Weston in the month of December

Where to see John Weston speak during December 2009

December 2nd, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, AITP Student chapter  Windows 7 and other topics.

December 3rd, DFW IT Professional monthly meeting Microsoft Las Colinas office  www.dfwitprofessionals.com for more info, I am not speaking but topic is Social networking. Come join this great new growing User Group.

December 8th Best of Launch event Austin, Texas at Microsoft office www.technetevents.com to register. Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Exchange 2010. registration is filling fast!

December 9th Best of Launch Event Tulsa, OK Crown Plaza downtown www.technetevents.com to register. Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Exchange 2010 (Please come, we want to fill the big room!)

December 10th Austin, Texas Angelbeat event Windows 7 Register at www.angelbeat.com

December 11th San Antonio, Texas Angelbeat event Windows 7 Register at www.angelbeat.com

December 12th AITP Dallas Christmas party www.aitpdallas.ning.com for more info

December 15th Dallas Sharepoint UG just attending www.dfwsharepoint.com

December 17th Day of Caring Microsoft will be working at Dallas Salvation Army helping with Christmas Angel trees gifts.