
Where to see John Weston in March 2010 and other events

March 4th, Baton Rouge, LA  TechNet event   www.technetevents.com  there will also be MSDN event in the afternoon.

March 4th Dallas, DFW IT Professionals user Group Clear 4g wimax  www.dfwitprofessionals.com  i hope to make it back in time.

March 5th, User Group leaders month conference call, you know who you are.

March 8th  San Antonio College AITP Student Chapter, open to the public 2PM Room 218 Nursing and Health building.

March 9th Austin TechNet event www.technetevents.com there will also be an MSDN event in the afternoon.

March 11th Minneapolis, MN for Exchange 2010 Roadshow

March 11th Oklahoma City new Sharepoint User Group first meeting (wish I could be there) info at www.oksug.org  please help make this new group great!

March 12th Houston  TechNet event www.technetevents.com there will also be an MSDN event in the afternoon.

March 15th  Little Rock, AR  Angelbeat  event www.angelbeat.com

March 20th CIE Chinese Institute of Engineers Plano City Hall https://www.cie-dfw.org/

March 25-28 AITP NCC  St. Louis  Collegiate conference.  This is going to be a blast  www.aitp.org/ncc