
Where to see John Weston in January

1/4/2010 i will be recording HP Webinars that will be published later

1/7  Thursday DFW IT PRO User Group meeting www.dfwitprofessionals.com (i will miss meeting because I will be out of town)

1/13 River Valley IT Pros Fort Smith, AR

1/15 Give Camp Dallas  wearemicrosoft.com

1/19 Commvault Seminar Dallas at Las Colinas office  Unleash the power of your Enterprise. I will be speaking on Exchange and Sharepoint

1/20 Houston AITP, Lunch session Windows 7  https://www.aitp.org/organization/chapters/chapterhome.jsp?ID=361

1/22-23 National AITP Members Summit Chicago, Sponsoring event.  www.aitp.org

1/28 Dallas Angelbeat event  www.angelbeat.com for more information.



Please double check these events and register. Things change.