
What is AITP? Who are they? Why should I care?


AITP?  Have you heard of it before?  Well, AITP stands for Association of Information Technology Professionals.   From their website www.aitp.org  The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) offers opportunities for Information Technology (IT) leadership and education through partnerships with industry, government and academia. AITP provides quality IT related education, information on relevant IT issues and forums for networking with experienced peers and other IT professionals for nearly 9,000 members. AITP is the Information Technology professional organization of choice for providing leadership opportunities, professional development and personal growth.


I went to my first AITP meeting last night at the Dallas Chapter. www.aitpdallas.org

The had a good turn out. I met many people, and they had a good session from Michael Rochelle, fellow Microsoft employee.  One of the people I met was Deborah Lovell, she has been involved with AITP for many years. Now she has gone beyond just the Dallas Chapter and is the Executive President elect of the whole AITP association. She has great plans for what the direction of AITP will be, that includs a national association meeting of all the members here in Dallas, coming up this January 22-24, 2009.

Why should you care?  Well, do you care about your career in IT?  This is a professional association, not just a user group.  They do many things to help you and your career, that help you remain strong in your job.  Do you care about your community? Many ways thru AITP to help just that.  Go to a meeting and find out. Join.
