
Vista, it's time you thought about deploying it


It's time.  Yep, time to deploy Vista in your company.   This week I am doing a presentation on Why Vista?  In prep I have run across some great resources for you to look at when thinking about deploying Vista. 


The best over all location for information is:

www.microsoft.com/springboard   great stuff here, why's and How to deploy Vista. Where to get BDD 2007 deployment tools.

Learn from others....   Did you know Microsoft has over 200 case studies of companies that have deployed Vista online, yep, go check it out:https://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/search.aspx?ProTaxID=3049

One of my co-workers Dan Woodman has been doing a series on his BLOG about WHY Vista, great read.


You have heard and read about the Mojave project, you know SP1 had been out for a while, Heck I have been running it over 2 years on every machine I own.  I am writing this from a 64 Bit version of Vista that has been rock solid installation on this laptop for over 6 months.

Why aren't you running Vista yet?  Because you listen to the media hype?
