
TechNet Plus now 25% off use code TNITQ407

TechNet Plus! 

Whenever I present a live TechNet Event, I ask my audience to raise their hands if they are a TechNet subscriber.  Usually about 1/2 to 2/3 of the audience raises their hand.  Considering that this is typically a Microsoft-friendly audience, I'm a little shocked that there aren't more hands going up.  The TechNet Subscription is such a great resource for IT Pros, for these reasons:


  • Downloadable (or delivered, if you subscribe to the disks-delivered-to-you-monthly subscription), full-version software licensed for evaluation purposes; which includes Microsoft operating systems, servers, and Office System software; all the software that IT Pros care about.  Yes, these are for evaluation, testing, and training only; but they don't time-out.  You can install these into a training lab, test lab, or use Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Hyper-V, or even your own downloaded evaluation copy of the latest beta or CTP or Release Candidate software!  Use it to build a virtually networked playground, and play with (er.. “evaluate”, if your boss is watching) all the latest and greatest tools and technologies.
  • You get early access to beta versions and release candidates of new Microsoft products.
  • A Technical Information Library containing the articles, security updates, service packs, utilities and more - all in one convenient location.
  • Access to Online Concierge Chat service for live help from a Microsoft Online Assistant - to help you get the most out of your subscription.
  • Two (2) technical support incidents and a  20% discount on additional phone support incidents you purchase. (HINT: the savings here alone nearly pays for the subscription cost! )
  • Twelve free eLearning courses per year to keep your skills up to date.  Just for TechNet Subscribers.  (Good idea to watch the TechNet Plus Blog for details)
  • Unlimited Managed Newsgroup Support. Post your technical questions in over 100 public newsgroups and receive a response from an expert by next business day.  It's like another free avenue into direct technical support from Microsoft!

For all of those reasons (Heck, for any ONE of those reasons), a TechNet Plus subscription is worth the yearly investment.image

"Cool, John. But how do I save $$$s?"

For new subscriptions, from now until June 30, 2010, you can save 25% on the TechNet Plus Direct subscription.  What would have cost you $349 will now only cost only $261.75.

"That's nearly $100!"


"Is this worldwide, or U.S. only, or what?"

This is for residents of the U.S. only.

“Why new subscriptions only? Why not a discount renewals?”

Renewals are already automatically discounted, even more than you get with this code.  Besides.. we’re honestly trying to promote TechNet Subscriptions to those who haven’t yet benefited from it.  We’re pretty confident that if you try it, you’ll see enough value in it to renew your subscription.

Write down or copy this promotion code to your clipboard: TNITQ407 (That's four-zero-seven.  Not the letter O.)

Then GOTO the TechNet Subscription Center (CLICK HERE), and use the code to get your savings.

“If you weren’t a Microsoft employee, John, would you buy this for yourself?”

Without hesitation, YES.  I use the software I download so much; for personal education as well as testing, $261.75 is a small price to pay for the value I receive.  Absolutely.


“Hey John, didn’t you have some other codes we were using before?”

Yes.  The “TMSAM06” and “TNITE07” codes are no longer valid.  You need to use this new TNITQ407 code now.


Thanks to Kevin Remde where this content was “leveraged” from his post.