
Imagine Cup Finalists teams in the Central US


The team I work on at Microsoft, Central Region Developer and Platform Evangelist (DPE), has been engaged with student teams participating in Imagine Cup.  A number of these teams have been selected to participate in the Imagine Cup US finals. 

What is Imagine Cup?  The Imagine Cup is the world’s premier student technology competition and is like “Olympics of technology.” 

Below I have include information and voting links for some of teams.  Through April 9th they in the running to win the Imagine Cup People’s Choice competition.  Click the links below to vote AND learning more about the teams.  You can vote once daily via the link AND vote via SMS message through April 9th.

Software Design

Vote For School(s) Project Description
Voltron AND text voltron to 23000

University Of Arkansas at Little Rock

Our application takes information collected from parents of children who have cancer and/or the doctors who are treating them, so that a database is created that can be data mined to find hidden links between cancer causes.

LifeCode AND text lifecode to 23000

Wayne State University

Procur is the intelligent humanitarian supply chain of the future. With advanced resource analytics, system-aided decisions and increased responsiveness, this system solution adapts to the changing landscape of resource inventory in disasters.


Game Design

Vote For School(s) Project Description

Bloom AND text bloom to 23000

Tribeca Flashpoint Academy

Spero is about making a difference one step at a time. Players help find alternative energy solutions, keep the environment clean and educate people on how to live healthier lives.

Team Mintrus AND text mintrus to 23000

Columbia College and University of Louisville

Pandemic is a tower defense game that acts as a conduit in the education and prevention of AIDS. Players of Pandemic are submersed into the human body where they assume the role of the immune system in a battle against AIDS.

Big Impact Bear AND text bear to 23000

University of Houston

Forest Gun aims to prevent and reverse deforestation in the world. The forests are in danger because of unregulated logging companies.