Dallas PowerShell User Group
Dallas/Fort Worth Meeting - April 28th, 2012 - 9am
April's Dallas/Fort Worth PowerShell group meeting is planned for Saturday, April 28th at 9am. This month we have Microsoft Premier Field Engineer (PFE) and TechNet blogger Gary Siepser presenting. Among Gary's areas of expertise are PowerShell, Active Directory and Exchange. Also, we are still trying out our longer, two hour meeting format this month, but, unlike last month, the informal hour will be from 8-9am. So, from 8-9am we will have the informal hour and from 9-10am we will have the meeting.
Meeting Date:
Saturday, April 28, 2012 - 09:00 - 10:00
King of Glory Lutheran Church
6411 LBJ Expressway
Dallas, TX 75240
United States
Phone: 2145926175
GO sign up for the meeting
: https://powershellgroup.org/content/dallasfort-worth-meeting-april-28th-2012-9am