
Austin and Tulsa get “Best of Launch” events




TechNet & MSDN Events Present:

Highlights from “the New Efficiency” Launch

Join us as we explore how Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2008 R2 and Exchange Server® 2010 deliver on the new efficiency where cost savings, productivity and innovations come together. At this free event we’ll cover the “best of” content and deliver highlights from “the New Efficiency” Launch events taking place nationwide.

ATTEND this special event and learn about these exciting new products and discover how:

· Windows 7 simplifies everyday tasks, improves productivity and works the way you want. 

· Windows Server 2008 R2 delivers new functionality and powerful improvements to the core Windows Server operating system to help organizations increase control, availability, and flexibility for their changing business needs.

· Exchange Server 2010 achieves new levels of reliability, reduces cost and drives productivity.

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TechNet Events Presents > 8:30 am - 12:00 pm SESSIONS INCLUDE

· Introducing Windows 7

· Introduction to Windows Server 2008 R2

· Introducing Exchange Server 2010



Austin, TX


Tulsa, OK




MSDN Events Presents >

1:00 pm - 4:30 pm SESSIONS INCLUDE

· Taking Your Application to the Next Level with Windows 7

· Light up Your Application with Graphics, Multi-touch and Ribbon on Windows 7

· What’s new and changed in Windows Server 2008 R2



Austin, TX


Tulsa, OK


Register and attend for your chance to WIN!

Ø Netbook! Dell Mini 10 - US $329.00 (ARV)Approximate Retail Value

Ø Zune! – Zune HD - US $289.00 (ARV)

Ø Games! “Halo 3 ODST” for XBOX 360 US $59.99 (ARV)

Ø Books!

- Windows 7 Inside Out US $49.99 (ARV) - TechNet

- Introducing Windows 7 for Developers US $39.99 (ARV) – MSDN

*No Purchase Necessary. Open only to registered event attendees. Game ends day of event. Must be present to win. For full Official Rules, see event registration desk.

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