
Troubleshooting: SC2012 SP1 ConfigMgr MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi authenticode signature. Return code 0x800b0101

    Hi All :

    When you deploy System Center 2012 SP1 configuration manager on HTTP only mode, you will start to install client agent , but you may encounter this error :

"Couldn't verify 'X:\Windows\ccmsetup\MicrosoftPolcyPlatformSetup.msi' authenticode signature. Return code 0x800b0101" Like below picture :

    When you to checking ccmsetup folder, you can see this new tool:

   This issue occurs because the MicosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi file is signed with a digital certificate that does not have the proper timestamp attributes. More information please read :

   Microsoft Security Advisory (2749655) Compatibility Issues Affecting Signed Microsoft Binaries : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/advisory/2749655

   So you have two methods to resolved this issue:

Method 1

Install the hotfix that is provided in this article before you install the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 client. This hotfix should be installed to all site servers.
Note System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 now includes hotfix 2801987. If you install System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 by using media that you obtained on or after January 25, 2013, you do not have to install the hotfix that is described in this Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article. 

Method 2

Use Windows Update to install the following updates before you install the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 client:

  • Update 2756872 for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
  • Update 2749655 for Windows that are earlier than Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012




     Justin Gao

     Microsoft (China)