
Find performance collection rule for specific Object, Counter or Instance

Find collection rule that is writing specific performance object to the database

Foreach ($rule in (get-rule | where {$_.category -eq "PerformanceCollection"} | foreach-object {$_.DataSourceCollection}))
    if ($rule.get_Configuration() -match "ObjectName>object</ObjectName")

Find collection rule that is writing specific performance counter to the database

Foreach ($rule in (get-rule | where {$_.category -eq "PerformanceCollection"} | foreach-object {$_.DataSourceCollection}))
    if ($rule.get_Configuration() -match "CounterName>counter</CounterName")

Find collection rule that is writing specific performance counter instance to the database

Foreach ($rule in (get-rule | where {$_.category -eq "PerformanceCollection"} | foreach-object {$_.DataSourceCollection}))
    if ($rule.get_Configuration() -match "InstanceName>instance</InstanceName")

Find collection rule that is writing specific performance object-counter-instance combination to the database

Foreach ($rule in (get-rule | where {$_.category -eq "PerformanceCollection"} | foreach-object {$_.DataSourceCollection}))
    if ($rule.get_Configuration() -match "CounterName>counter</CounterName><ObjectName>object</ObjectName><InstanceName>instance</InstanceName")

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