
Product and Corporate Odds and Ends

I'm cleaning up my inbox, and I have a whole mess of odds and ends (some just product announcements) that I don't know what to do with, so I am going to just dump them in one post and put it out of my mind. Here they are in no particular order:

MSBee on CodePlex.com:

MSBee is an addition to MSBuild that allows developers to build managed applications using Visual Studio 2005 projects that target .NET 1.1. It's a common task, and the stuff on codeplex is shared source.


Microsoft Feedback Center:

This lets you give feedback on VS and .NET. It's a great link, so keep it handy.


MSN Soapbox


Office Live:

Still mainly for small business. Check it out.


Windows Live Messenger:


Visual Studio Code-Named Orcas:

I didn't even know we had this site...because I am too busy building Orcas!


Windows Live Expo:


Enterprise Content Management Blog:



 Rock Thought for the Day: Silversun Pickups:

I heard a song by Silversun Pickups on KEXP (www.kexp.org), and I fell in love with one of their songs, Sci-Fi Lullaby. It's on the album "Pikul".

Does anyone else remember the Cowboy Junkies and their truly sublime album, "Caution Horses"? I would interested to know if Silversun Pickups acknowledge an influence by the Cowboy Junkies.

I've also been listending to Black Sabbath. Those early 70's tunes really hold up. Iommi mastered the art of riffing right off the bat. What he and other smart guitarists know is that it is not necessarily how fast you play. It's all about note selection. Take Jimi for example. There are technically superior guitarists to him, of course. But, he was wildly inventive and understood the power of melodic. His solos are more melodic than the actual melodies in his songs (which are memorable enough, in my view).

Also, Ozzy's voice is an unforgettable instrument, and if you listen to his songs through the years, you become aware of how much he honed his craft. What his voice lacks in beauty is more than compensated by its honesty. I think his whole "Prince of darkness" schtick is childish, and I think he is silly to hang on to it now.

Rock On
