
Parameter Info text for Office in VS.NET

As a PM I need to have a broad yet also deep view of what we deliver. I find myself scrutinizing readme files one minute and comparing source code to a spec, responding in a newsgroup, or checking up with a partner the next minute.

One of the things that my manager and I have been investigating is Intellisense in VSTO. Let's face it, for whatever weaknesses VS has it is nonetheless amazingly good. One of the things we get for free from the .NET Framework is the little bit of text that appears on the Parameter Info list. For example, type MessageBox.Show( and look at the yellowish popup window that appears. It's called Parameter Info (yes, these things have names). If you look at the bottom, you see that it will say, "text: the text to display in the message box". As you move through parameters, the text changes also.

What I noticed is that when doing Office development in managed code- you don't get these handy textual cues/tips. In the immortal words of Jim Morrison, "We want the world, and we want it now." OK- not quite the world, but I do want these cues for managed Office solution code. I'm following up behind the firewall here to find out what it will take.

Rock Thought for the Day: I blogged about the band Pinback in a post last week, but I lost an entire week of posts due to a glitch on the servers. I was most displeased. Anyway, I like the new album Summer in Abandon. Check it out.

Rock On
