
My Second Webcast

Yesterday I gave my second and final MSDN Webcast, this time on the topic of migrating eMbedded C++ applications to Visual Studio 2005. As before, it was quite a stressful but enjoyable experience. I'm not sure I'm cut out to be one of life's great demonstrators - I'm no Mike Hall! - but nevertheless it was a good experience. Apparently these webcasts are recorded, and are available on MSDN at some point, so if you missed it, well, I guess you could watch it again ;-)

I've added the notes I used for the talk to the Windows Mobile Developer Wiki, and you can jump right to the Migrating from eMbedded C++ to Visual Studio page. I hope you find it useful. Most of the talk was based on Nishan Jebanasam's definitive technical article, with some extra material from an MSDN Hands-on Lab.