
Q and A from the MOM 2005 Technical Overview Webcast April 10th, 2006

Q1: With the workgroup version it is limited to 10 servers, correct? Do 3rd party non-server device management packs affect this total?

A1:  MOM 2005 Workgroup has a limit of 10 Managed Servers/devices.  3rd Party non-server device MP’s are governed by MOM 2005 Workgroup’s limitations.


Q2: Are there any books or other resources available for MOM 2005?

A2: See links below...

MOM Product Documentation: https://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/mom/mom2005/Library/default.mspx?mfr=true

Some MOM Books:



Q3: What were the three Mom roles: DAS and two others?

A3: The three elements of a MOM Server are the DAS (Data Access Server), MOM Server and the MOM Agent


Q4: I know MS concentrates on Windows OS but what can MOM monitor with

Linux servers?

A4: Yes, there are Management Packs for Linux from 3rd Parties.  Check https://www.netiq.com/products/xmp/default.asp and https://www.metilinx.com


Q5: Is there a MSI to install just the user interface (Admin/Operator consoles)?

A5:  No.  It is done from a setup.exe file on the MOM CD, see the following instructions:


To install the MOM Administrator console and the MOM Operator console

1. Log on using an account that has administrative credentials on the local computer.

2. Close all open applications.

3. On the MOM 2005 product CD, double-click setup.exe.

4. In the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Setup Resources dialog box, click Install Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 to start the MOM 2005 Setup Wizard.

5. On the Installation Options page, click Custom, and then click Next.

6. On the Custom Setup page, expand all components except MOM 2005 User Interfaces, click This component will not be available, and then click Next.


Note: This step assumes that you are installing the consoles on a dedicated computer. If you are installing the consoles on the same computer as other MOM components, you should select those components as well.


7. The Prerequisite Check page indicates whether you have met the requirements.

8. On the Management Server page, type the name of the Management Server that you want the consoles to initially connect to.

9. On the Ready to Install page, click Install.



Q6: Can you please state what are the pre-requisites that should be installed before configuring MOM 2005.

A6: Check this link for the system requirements of MOM 2005:



Q7: Is there a good reference for getting through the first 30 days of configuring and tuning MOM. I have tried it on a small network with only three servers and have had to spend numerous hours tracking down how to configure and tune the MOM rules. I can find references to some of the errors in Google but few actual fixes. I am referring to things like BITS transfer failures running the MBSA Management Pack, Errors running the MPNotifier management pack, security failures running other management packs.

A7:  Check the links to the books and MOM documentation in Question 2 above.


Q8: Are there regularly updates for the kb to install?

A8:  I believe it is only updated with an updated Management Pack.


Q9: Do you recommend using something like HP SIM and the MOM mgt pack or just using the HP MOM Mgmt pack ?

A9:  I don’t really know what the HP SIM offers so I can’t recommend either way.


Q10: Do you need to purchase SQL server or is it included?

A10:  SQL Server is not included with MOM 2005, but as with MOM 2000, there is a special SKU to enable customers to purchase SQL Server 2005 Technology with MOM 2005. SQL Server Technology acquired via this combined offering can only be used to support MOM 2005 and SMS 2003 activities, and no other application. Only available to customers in the volume licensing programs open to enterprise customers and academic institutions.  Retail customers must purchase licenses for MOM 2005 and SQL Server 2005 separately.  MOM 2005 Workgroup uses MSDE.


Q11: Is there a connector for Remedy?

A11: https://www.microsoft.com/management/momprodconnectors.mspx

MOM to Remedy ARS

Automates the creation of tickets in Remedy based on alerts received in MOM 2005/2000.


MOM 2005/2000

April 15, 2005


Q12: Are there fixed ports for the communication from agent to server?

A12: Check this KB article for information on ports: https://support.microsoft.com/KB/885726



Q13: Is there a best way to implement both SMS and MOM?

A13: Check the following links:


MOM Deployment



SMS Deployment
