Time Management Quotes
Time management is a key skill for work and life. I’ve posted my collection of Time Management Quotes on Sources of Insight. While organizing my collection of quotes, I got clarity on a handful of lessons for time management:
- Time is what you make of it.
- You don’t have time, you make it.
- It’s your most valuable resource.
- Invest time. Investing in your time is investing in your life.
- Don’t dwell on the train you missed. Catch the next train.
- Time changes what’s important. You can’t buy time.
- Time is all we have.
- Time is a teacher.
- Time is a judge.
- Time is a healer.
- Time is a friend.
August 24, 2009
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. - Bertrand Russell Time is your ultimate friend. Or it's your ultimate enemy. - J. D. MeierAnonymous
August 24, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 24, 2009
Disagree with #2... Instead, You can NOT "make" time, you can only manage the time you are given in the manner you see fit.Anonymous
August 24, 2009
@ Loren :) @ andreb Leonardo is the man! @ The CPUWizard I think we agree. It's a short form that's easier to remember -- You make time in your schedule for it ... where make simply means you "re-allocate" the time you've already got. Of course you don't literally make time.Anonymous
August 24, 2009
TIME - The Important Movements on Earth. thanks RagavanAnonymous
August 25, 2009
@ Ragavan Thanks for stopping by.Anonymous
August 28, 2009
One of the best sayings I've ever heard: the bad news is : time flies the good news is : You're the pilotAnonymous
August 30, 2009
Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. ~Edward Fitzgerald Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” “There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.” thanx ragavan.Anonymous
August 31, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 01, 2009
Good one on time management quotes and it helps a lot. Thanks, Karim - http://www.affirmationsforpositivethinking.com/Anonymous
September 02, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 28, 2009
Time is what you make of it ;)