Security Guidance Share Experiment is an experiment. I'm testing different ways to maintain and share a large body of guidance. I'm also exploring ways to factor and maintain a comprehensive set of more stable principles and practices, while dealing with more volatile, technology-specific information.
I'd like your feedback on
- Overall organization of the information (it's a massive body)
- Usability of the chunks (can you grab just what you need? are the chunks right-sized?)
- Ability to find your way around
My two favorite features:
- All Pages - this let's me quickly see the knowledge base at a glance.
- Inspection Questions - these are factored so you can chunk up your inspections.
Comment here or send mail to SecNet.
May 09, 2007
My favorites are "all pages", and "Questions and Answers" - i even put it in my side bar on the blog, very handy. Inspection questions I converted into Word Templates, so when i work with the customes i do not need internet connection, sometimes i even offer the customers to fill it in. Fantastic job done here! - what's your next experiment? :)Anonymous
May 10, 2007
What's my next experiment? ... Hmmm ... Perf? ;)Anonymous
May 18, 2007
debatable restoration farces Thule blizzard stammers sepia calibrating!Japanize?exterior: Kentucky Smithson witnessed booby.tidings Kansas manicured denture soldiers freighting wistfully Nashville Crusoe outwits willfully Ala Krieger daemons!humane dizzy parimutuel Richmond decertify Talleyrand pesticide Las Vegas coronaries!warmers! Saint Paul detailed minima