4 Questions to Cap Your Day
At the end of each day, I ask myself the following:
- What did I learn?
- What did I improve?
- What did I enjoy?
- What kind act did I do?
I use these questions to reflect on daily improvements as well as course correct. I also use them to appreciate life's little lessons each day. It's a simple practice but it helps make sure I don't slip into life's auto-pilot mode. What's interesting too, is this simple practice can actually raise your happiness thermometer, according to Do You Have What It Takes to Lead a Happier Life?
- Anonymous
February 11, 2007
- How do I improve on this day?
February 12, 2007
Great advice! I'm going to give this a go.Anonymous
October 27, 2008
导读今天发现了这篇非常精彩的,内容超级丰富的文章,实在忍不住,转载于此。 原文地址:http://blogs.msdn.com/jmeier/archive/2008/10/13/effective...