30 Days of Living Foods Ends Today
Today ends my 30 day experiment eating living foods. I'm a burger and pizza boy at heart, so this was a big change. Friends and family noticed my slimmer look and healthy glow. A friend of mine said I found the Fountain of Youth.
Here's what I noticed:
- dropped 12 pounds
- had enough energy to start working out again
- shed my skin
- eliminated sinus issues I had for a life time
- stayed healthy while others got sick
- maintained peak performance throughout my days
- got the eye of the tiger back
I didn't expect to shed my skin so that surprised me, but I liked what was underneath. I was also surprised by how some issues were dietary vs. natural. Nature vs. nurture strikes again!
Friends asked me what practices I'll carry forward:
- more water over soda
- balance my bad foods with more good foods (I'll eat my veggies - Mom will be proud)
- raw vegetables over cooked
- stick with my workouts (again to balance my bad foods)
- more frequent meals
Most importantly, I learned how to effectively do living foods for 30 days. This means, I can choose to do 30 day tune ups throughout the year. What I walk away with is a better idea of how foods affect me, how to balance my bad foods with good, and how to tune my body when I get run down (or need to fend the flu season).
We're such thinking, feeling, doing creatures at heart and food has such a big impact on the way we think and feel. I'm going to explore more options. A friend of mine suggested testing intuitive eating, where you eat what your body craves, not what you mind thinks it wants.
March 08, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 21, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 27, 2008
Each month I pick a focus or a theme for my improvement sprint.  I find it's easier to start andAnonymous
October 27, 2008
导读今天发现了这篇非常精彩的,内容超级丰富的文章,实在忍不住,转载于此。 原文地址:http://blogs.msdn.com/jmeier/archive/2008/10/13/effective...