Introducing the Scooblog Loyal Reader Reward Program
Hello Scooblog readers! If you read my blog and have a blog then please leave a link below. I’d like to read your blog too. I’m looking to shake up my subscribed feeds list and the first thing I want to accomplish is make sure that I’m listening to my readers.
If you don’t have a blog, but read mine then I’d still like to hear from you too. Tell me what you like, don’t like, and want to see more of from this blog. My blog is not a democracy, but I want to understand who reads this blog and why.
I met several people at Tech-Ed that told me they read my blog, but I was ashamed to admit that I didn’t know who they were. I want to change that. How does knowing who you are reward you, my loyal readers?
- You’ll be sure to get one more reader of your blog.
- By reading your blog I’ll understand what sort of content would be more interesting to you and possibly create more of that type of content.
- I’m going to create a “Scooblog Reader Blogroll” list on the side of this blog. I’ll add you to the list. Maybe you’ll find new blogs this way as well.
Not subscribed to Scooblog? Check out the subscription options here then drop me a line.
- Bloglines
- LiveMessage Alerts
- MyYahoo
- Newsgator
- My MSN
- Via E-mail (must first register with
- Plain Old RSS
- Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Just get introduced. - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
hi Josh, my blog is at I'll put a link to your blog up on mine, too. - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Hi Josh.
As with most of the blogs I subscribe to, I read yours because it provides me with information and insights about what the Microsoft are up to in the world of software development. Helping me keep abreast of things I need to know to do my job better. - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Hi Josh,
I've recently started reading your blog, enjoy community posts the most, and I've added a link from mine.
Adam - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
You probably already know that I read your blog on a daily basis, and toss traffic your way now and then... but I'll not miss the opportunity to plug anyhow. - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Hey Josh, I'm the guy campaigning to be your running mate in '08 over here at!1p7No_zySRgCWjRtO5hZfq7w!129.entry.
My more technically focused blog is at - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Scooblog? Whats a Scooblog? :-) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Not a programmer but keep an eye on you blog, and other IT blogs, as interested in how development will impact my world as a CAD Manager/CAD user. I have two blogs, one more work focused (CAD/IT/Blogging Tech) and the other more life/fun focused :-) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Well, you're on my list already, and I owe my blog looking like how I want it to look to your CSS forays, so I am a loyal reader. :-) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
I'm not sure that my blog is related much to your blog so I'm not sure that you will get ideas about what to post here. But I'm always happy to have readers. :-) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
Now that's a nice idea. Do you mind me stealing your idea and doing the same thing?
But yes, I definately read yours all the time (when it's interesting :P) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
I do read your blog and I do have my blog :) - Anonymous
June 25, 2005
You're on my regular feed list! My blog's a rather scattered, eclectic mix, but here it is: - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Good reading and thanks for the blog. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Hi Josh, I read your blog since you're the self-proclaimed community stick-wielder and, well, I guess I'm part of the community by keeping a blog at So there you go, keep up the good work! - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Always interesting to read you, I've got your insights on building communities bookmarked. My blog is at - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
It's not really "about" anything, but mostly ends up having a lot of music-related content, Many Excellent Quotes (in the "quotes" section), and the occasional useful software development tidbit. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Howdy Josh.
I've been subscribed and reading your blog for about a year now and have left a few scattered comments from time to time. As a .NET developer, I really enjoy reading it for all great dev community stuff you post. You are a good writer as well, at least compared to most developer bloggers. =) Keep up the good work.
Kevin Harder - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Two blogs for me. The IEBlog team at is obviously the big one.
My personal blog at is more a journal than industry comment or technical content, but I'm thinking of changing that once IE7 goes beta, and I can talk about my work without bumping into disclosure issues. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Adam: Thanks for the link. Good to know when MS people read as well!
Mike: Was already subscribed to yours. I do appreciate the link love. :-)
Robin Curry: I've added both blogs now.
Sushant: "Scooblog: What's a Scooblog" - possible Scoobswag fodder.
Robin Capper: Another one I didn't know about.
MichKap: I wasn't specifically subscribed until recently. I had been just reading off of the main MSDN feed, but I've had to cut off that firehose and do more targeted blog reading. Hence this experiment.
Alfred: I think we've actually met a couple of times if you had trialled some of the Old VS Academic tools. I was a tester on that team when it existed. I could be wrong.
Geoff: Steal this idea.
Peter: Readers +=1;
Chris W: Thanks!
Jelle: The stick is for internal use only.
Micheal T: Feel free to keep leaving me feedback on the community stuff I post about.
David: Part of the fun of this is me discovering new content. So I'm subscribed.
Kevin: Didn't know till now you had been scooped up by Rob Howard and Co. Congrats! - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
I've been subscribed for a while now, and we even met at Tech Ed and talked briefly about the MSDN forums and VS.NET integration. I've subscribed to the main feed (and therefore your blog) for over a year now, but since the MSDN forums came out, I started following your's closer than before.
Joel - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Hi Josh, I enjoy reading your blog regularly. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
I read too! - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
I enjoy the blog. I've been reading for a bit over a year now. You've got an interesting mix of content. My blog is at
Rick H. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Several months ago you asked for opinions regarding blogs and interactions. I mentioned that bloggers (at least the ones I read) seem to be fine people on the whole and it was nice to discover that Microsoft isn't the same kind of oppressive tyranny through and through as Microsoft is in the marketplace. Now you ask for opinions again and this answer is pretty much the same. Loyal reader, sure. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
I started reading your blog after a link from your wife's blog. You're one of about 150 odd blogs so I can't say exactly what makes me keep reading your blog - I generally just skim over the subjects of the blogs in my aggregator and if they deal with topics that interest me I'll read them, otherwise I just "mark all as read" and move on.
Paul - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
I'm a bit disappointed by how much I haven't written about technology or software development, for various reasons, but you're welcome to check it out anyway. - Anonymous
June 26, 2005 - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Hey Josh,
Brian Delahunty here, blog at - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I realized later that I didn't answer any of the questions you asked, I just brazenly put out my blogsite hoping for a link back. I'm such pond scum...
I read your blog posts because I find your dealings with user/customer perceptions very informative. I've had a history of customer relations management in a couple different roles. Dealing with false perceptions and overall expectations is a tough thing.
Reading through your feedback topics and looking at your comments to them is a nice way to how others handle these things. - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I read scooblog because I'm very interested in our community efforts. - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Thanks Josh! - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Hey, Josh! I saw you at TechEd but I didn't get the chance to come up and say "Hi". The week flew right by before I had the chance to stop by the booth again. Anyhow... you can catch what's on my mind lately (usually Team System stuff) at - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
my background is in chemistry, but i still love your blog! - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
count me in! I love me some Scooblog!! - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Just saw this in my referrals.  Apparently my Reader Reward... - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
JobsBlog/Gretchen: I was thinking you didn't actually read. :-)
Vincent: Can't get your link to open.
Dave: Maybe I'll see you at PDC or if you are ever up in Redmond?
Eric: I've always been interested in knowing what my internal reach was.
Jim: Thanks for the feedback!
Brian: Hi Brian!
Raymond: Readers +=1
Gavin: I will
Paul: Good to be in your top 150!
William: I had already been a reader of your blog since you started leaving comments here.
Norman: Do you have a feed?
Rick: I'm subscribed to both your feed and link feed now.
Darrell: Good to know!
Kenny: Thanks!
Stuart: I've seen your comments. Thanks. I always love feedback.
Joel: Good meeting you at Tech-Ed. Feel free to ping me with any more feedback as it comes.
Bruce: I'll add the non-IE link for the reader OPML. - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I started reading your blog for the developer tips, but more recently I've enjoyed reading your posts on customer service and what Microsoft is doing along those lines.
You probably won't find much of interest on my blog, but I've added it here anyway. - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Starting the Scooblog Reader Rewards program has reinvigorated my blog reading.  My "social software... - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I'm a regular. Keep a good work! - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I've been subscribed for a while as a separate feed from the msdn blogs so I don't miss an entry ;) - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
it turns out I do read your blog, but sometimes it takes another post ( for me to actually go back and let it sink in.
I might put my own reward up if anyone can find any technical content in my blog. - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
Hi Josh,
I read your blog on a regular basis. Here is a link to my own blog:
Thanks! - Anonymous
June 27, 2005
I've been reading for a few months. I wish I would have found the blog sooner.
My attempt at blogging can be found here: - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Scoob, I've been reading your blog for quite some time. You can read mine at, but there's probably little there you don't already know. I plagiarize and link shamelessly. :) - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Hey Josh,
I subscribe. I liked the TechEd notes even though I wasn't at TechEd. - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Keep it up! - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Nice idea, haven't been subscribed long but enjoyed what I've read so far! - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Hook Me Up! - Anonymous
June 28, 2005
I've been subscribed for a few months now via RSS Bandit. - Anonymous
June 28, 2005 - Anonymous
June 29, 2005
Phil: Readers+=1;
Gary: Another RSSBandit reader for your blog.
Mickey: You know I read your blog already. Still great to have met you in person.
Steve: Thanks. I like my idea too. :-)
Luke: Will do
Steven: Would you like more content like the tech-ed notes? Not sure where I'd get it but...
Chrisj: Allready subscribed!
Matt: That's what that long list of archives is for. :-)
Jean-Luc: thanks!
Kevin j: :-)
Jonathan: Does your partner read the blog as well?
David: Now I'll be listening to you. - Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Your weblog is in my "DotNet AList" and I read it via Bloglines (
My weblog is "Tobler.SoftwareArchitecture()":
Rock on! - Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Well, I'm not a terribly loyal reader, but I do try to keep up with you. :-) - Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Scott Banwart said it well enough for me in [1] :]
[1] - Anonymous
July 05, 2005
John/Garrett/Bjorn: Just added you all to the community OPML! - Anonymous
July 05, 2005 - Anonymous
July 05, 2005
I have been a reader for over a year now.
Your post: App Building Diary Day 2: Multi-Monitor Support
prompted me to produce this post: An ALTernate F1 in Visual Studio - Anonymous
July 05, 2005
I am sure you already now it, but have been subscribed for quite some time. Count me in! :)
-James - Anonymous
July 05, 2005
I want in; Love your blog! - Anonymous
July 06, 2005
read ya' via rss, have been for - ummm - I don't remember how long now. - Anonymous
July 06, 2005
Steven, jayson, Rob, and James: Just added you to the Reader category in my OPML. I was already subscribed to your blogs... they were just in a different category. - Anonymous
July 06, 2005
Been reading your blog for some time now, fellow distant members of Red Sox Nation have to stick together! - Anonymous
July 07, 2005
I've been reading your blog (and your wife's) for several months now. I don't expect you to subscribe to mine, but just thought I'd let you know of another satisfied reader. :) - Anonymous
July 08, 2005
Scott: I guess I should feel free to start posting more of my thoughts on the Red Sox. Curt Shilling = BP = bad times.
Tod: I'll subscribe anyway. :-) - Anonymous
July 09, 2005
Uh-oh, I'd better watch what I say. ;-) - Anonymous
July 13, 2005
Hey Josh,
I've been reading Gretchen's blog for a long time and yours for a while as well. I just added you both to my blogroll.
Keep up the good work. - Anonymous
July 15, 2005 - Anonymous
July 28, 2005
A bit late commenting, but I've always enjoyed by scooblog snacks :-)
-Ryan - Anonymous
July 28, 2005
Whoa am I behind in blog reading. I've read yuo for about a year, though I'm nearnly never current. - Anonymous
October 23, 2005
I enjoy the openess and transparency blogging brings to MSFT developers. - Anonymous
December 28, 2005
Great blog Josh, I've subscribed. I'll also add you to my blogroll - Anonymous
December 29, 2005
Thanks techjunkie. - Anonymous
May 09, 2006
Hey, definately i read you
Hope you remeber me, after all you are one of the reasons of my blog UI lift-up :) thanks again - Anonymous
May 09, 2006
Ok, again taking a tip from jledgard - Anonymous
May 11, 2006
Josh, I just stumbled across your blog and started reading the back entries. Very interesting. Thanks. - Anonymous
May 15, 2006
Great site Josh! Subscribing to the loyal scoober's list and adding your link to my rolls... Thanks again!